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Publication period Master/variant editable differs in PIM/Ecom

Barend Mosch


While scanning the database to see how the publication period field works, Ive notices that its possible to set a publication period on a variant product rather then the whole productgroup.

For example, product 113891 has a publication period PERIOD22, variants inherit the period:

In the PIM this makes sense, since publication period sits at top level

On variant level I cant see a location to edit the publication period.

In Ecom however, when opening a variant, it opens a new product editor

and after filling a new publication period it gets saved in the database under the corresponding variant and the rest are deleted.

But after saving the variant group and the master product it resets again to null

The period records still exist in the database but are not assigned to the products. Any advice on how to work with the publication period field? Is it wise to alter in Ecom only?

Kind regards,
Barend Mosch, Bluedesk


Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Barend

Thanks for reporting this. The Developers took a closer look and found that if you use combine to family then it is by design that publication is controlled by the master. 
It is unfortunately not possible to change this behaviour from Ecommerce. 

So, the advice is to use PIM for this operation.

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Care Support
Kristian Kirkholt

Votes for this answer: 1


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