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Forum » PIM » Product data dropping after PIM grid edits

Product data dropping after PIM grid edits

Sean Meade Dynamicweb Employee
Sean Meade

I had a customer that reported this bug in Dw 9.9.7: when editing is done in the PIM in Grid edit, data in Product fields is dropped.

I tried to this in Dw 9.10.0 and could not repro it.

Is this something you've seen before? If so, can you tell me what package/dll the fix is in?



Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Sean,

Not as far as I know ..

But as general, I would suggest to upgrade your Customer solution to latest version of Dynamicweb (current DW9.12.2)

That would also give customer all the new and improved functionality, there have been implemented since DW9.9.x



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