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PK på EcomProducts

Stephen Anthony Jackson
Stephen Anthony Jackson

We are developing a solution where we use a "FamilyID" from the ERP as the ProductID, then Size (Volume) as VariantID, and LanguageID as values for the EcomProduct table

But we now see that this fails if you you add another dimension to the variant, or add a replacement product which has the same combination, as the PK in EcomProducts is exactly that... ProductID, VariantID and LanguageID

So we want to go over to just using the productnumber (which anyway turned out to be unique, and should really have been used from day one)

However, we have built up a PIM using the ProductID that we specifified and now have done a lot of testing and dont want to mess up the things in the system that reference the ProductID

So my question is. If we delete all the products, switch to using the productnumber, and let dynamicweb just generate us one of these "ImportProd#666" ProductID's, will we lose all those relationships in the database, or are most of the relationships joins via ProductNumber?





Igor Ivanov Dynamicweb Employee
Igor Ivanov

Hi Stephen,

All of the Ecom tables reference products by ProductID, VariantID and LanguageID. Some exclude the variant and language, the product number is not used. Changing the product ID now would require rewriting all tables again.


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