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Pim product preview when a product is not active.

Jonathan Pascoe

When editing a product in PIM if it is inactive you can not preview the product. This is the same either from the warehouse list view and the Queries results list view. Is this the correct and or intended behavour? Our clients and our developers would like that it be possable to preview changes before a product is active, published or unpublished. This would be in our opinion a more logical use of  a preview function.



Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov
This post has been marked as an answer

new task #20128 has been created against the bug.

BR, Oleg QA

Votes for this answer: 1
Jonathan Pascoe

Great. Also along the same line, our client would like to view unactive products in the digital wharehouse. Enabling the allow inactive products on the global setttings only allows inactive products to be seen in the product search results and product list views. Clicking on or going directly to the URl results in a page not found. Again this seems a little strange behaviour :) Is this also a a bug or intended?

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Jonathan

It is not a bug. Active is related to if the product detail page can be visited or not.

When you set up the index, you can toggle the OnlyIndexActiveProducts to true or false. This setting is there so you can query inactive products inside PIM that uses the index.

If you use the same index for PIM backend and Commerce frontend (not recommended) then you will add an expression looking at the active field in the index when searching filtering out the inactive products on product lists and search results as clicking them is not possible.

You cannot show inactive products in the frontend at all.

The setting in ecommerce advances "Show only active products" is not used in the product catalog for viewmodels - it is the old catalog only and is actually deprecated.

You can use a custom field on products instead so you can implement your own version of active - or create 2 channels - one for commerce and one for warehouse and only publish the products to the channels that should be available.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1


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