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Forum » PIM » Integer field inheritance with product category fields on group-product level

Integer field inheritance with product category fields on group-product level

Barend Mosch

Hi there!
Apologies if this question has been asked before, I could find anything similar.

When working with integer/decimal category fields in the PIM on group level, say a discount:

Entering the value '0' in the field will make the field empty instead of showing the value '0'. The database keeps the record '0':

This makes the dealer value for the product also empty, since the group value is empty. And there is also no record in the ProductCategoryFieldValue table for said product.

The wish is to show the number 0 on the product as wel as the group using inheritance.

Is this possible?
Kind regards,

Barend Mosch, Bluedesk


Barend Mosch

Hi there,

Is there any news on this front?

Kind regards,

Barend Mosch

Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Barend,

I have made some test, and can see the issues ..

I have make BUG #22673


Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Barend,

I have now get feedback on your above request, and there are an "hidden option" to control that default values are shown.

If you add following to your file "GlobalSettings.config", in XML section "/Globalsettings/Ecom/Product", it would work


Votes for this answer: 1
Barend Mosch

Hi Søren,

Thank you, this is indeed the solution, cheers!

Kind regards,
Barend Mosch


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