For a customer I want to calculate the volume (in m³) of a package. I have three product fields (field type: decimal number) containing the depth, width and height. The fourth field (fifth field in the printscreen) is the calculation with a CalculationProvider named 'VerpakkingVolumeCalculation'.
In this unit I have setup a calculation to calculate the volume of the package:
In the PIM module when I open a product, it gives me an error:
It looks like the variables (ie 'BreedteVerpakking') are not filled in into the calculation. In the Product fields section I tripple checked the System name and also the Template tag and these are exactly the same. The documentation is fairly limited on how to setup this kind of calculation, to therefore my thinking was to make a topic for it.
What are we doing wrong? What should be change to make this working? We are running version 9.9.2 on the environment where the screenshots are made.
Thanks in advance!