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Data Encryption at Rest

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Dear Dynamicweb,


We have a requirement from a customer to support "Data Encryption at Rest" for both "files" and "database". Does the application support that and should we be aware of anything here??


Best regards, Anders


Scott Forsyth Dynamicweb Employee
Scott Forsyth
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Anders,

This is something that is handled at the architecture level and not in the platform itself, so to answer your question, yes, Dynamicweb is ok with it (it's neutral).

Here's a quick overview of the database options:

Essentially the key things are:

  • If you're hosting with a cloud provider, see what options they have for files and database.
  • TDE (see link above) should be enabled for the database
  • For files, it's less common to require that, so you could see about opting out if you don't have any personal identificable (PI) information in the files. But, if you need to encrypt it, it will depend on the level of enryption. BitLocker is the best option for drive encryption. 
  • Note: 'In motion" is usually taken care of nowadays automatically with the SQL Client.
  • Don't forget about the dev enviornments too. They also need to support the same encryption to be compliant.
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