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Forum » Dynamicweb 10
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Grid Edit removed on 10.1.2?
Hi, In 10.1.2 it seems the grid edit has been removed. When I downgrade to 10.1.1 I can open grid edit on products lists... 10.1.2 10.1.1 ...
Justin Sjouw
08/02/2024 08:44:59
Last post: 08/02/2024 08:56:07
Possible dropdown bug for version 10.1.1
Hi DW There seems to be an issue regarding all dropdowns in DW 10.1.1 Whenever i choose an option in a dropdown and click save, no matter what it gets saved as "undefined" Manually editing in this case "AreaLayout" in the Area tab ...
August Schnell
07/02/2024 15:17:41
Last post: 07/02/2024 16:09:21
Import data with Paging add-in?
In my dw9 setup I have a task using the Import data with Paging add-in. I can't seem to find it in dw10, is it not there (yet) or is it replaced by something else? ...
Justin Sjouw
29/12/2023 15:34:24
Last post: 06/02/2024 13:55:48
Import Data With custom request seems to only execute Integration Activity
Hi, I have a task that has been running for a long time correctly on dw9, in 10 it fails, and gives me the impression that only the Integration acitivity is executed. The configured endpoint to the CodeUnit works when I run a test on it: ...
Justin Sjouw
29/12/2023 23:30:07
Last post: 06/02/2024 13:52:44
Swift update needed for dw10.1
I followed this guide, which does not mention anything about Swift. But found out at least 1 issue with the OffCanvasNavigation that is solved in 1.25.1. Maybe it is a good idea to mention that for 10.1 a certain Swift version is needed as well? http ...
Justin Sjouw
02/02/2024 11:16:33
Last post: 02/02/2024 11:56:16
Update to 10.1 with IIS hosting
Hi, I used zipped releases up until now to achieve a multi-tenant iis hosting setup. Since I'm a bit inpatient updating to 10.1 which is not on the zipped list yet:-) and want to automate deployment of the dw10 application folder, I have setup a  ...
Justin Sjouw
31/01/2024 12:58:17
Last post: 31/01/2024 13:19:36
Error when creating new user in DW10 admin
Hi, I get an error when trying to create a new user from this view in the admin in DW10: Error: An unhandled error occurred 10:09 An unhandled error occurred: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AccessUserRead', table '[table_name]. ...
Arnór Halldórsson
31/01/2024 11:25:34
Last post: 31/01/2024 13:11:11
404 error page
At the time of writing, the solution is on version 10.0.25 In standard dw9 + Swift we have this 404 result by default In dw10 there is a website setting "404 page" I assume the 404 page field on the website settings is a replacement for thi ...
Igor Ivanov
09/01/2024 11:23:33
Last post: 31/01/2024 08:40:36
Anywhere to see dw 10 release notes?
Maybe I havent searched enough but is there a place to see the changes/fixes in the minor releases? ...
Joakim Sjöbäck
25/01/2024 08:05:52
Last post: 30/01/2024 22:51:06
Themes not showing in editor
I'm updating a couple of websites from 9 to 10, alle 3 show the same behaviour. The themes render fine on the Themes page (also did a hard refresh, and cleared history) but in the editor the previews are blank: ...
Justin Sjouw
29/11/2023 16:21:23
Last post: 30/01/2024 21:01:17
App Addins with custom Templates
I was wondering if you had some sort of best practices regarding custom templates when extending DynamicWeb functionality through Apps. I'm creating a CheckoutHandler that requires a custom template. The CheckoutHandler is in a separate project b ...
Jóhannes Þorkell Tómasson
22/01/2024 13:58:21
Last post: 24/01/2024 13:09:41
Error exporting all products to Excel
Hi, I have setup an integration acitvity, that should export all products to excel. I get the following error (I tried deleting a product to see if the data was causing this, but it crashes on the next products) I think all setting are "standard ...
Justin Sjouw
22/01/2024 12:29:26
Last post: 23/01/2024 08:45:45
No paging or search in "Assign data set" panel
Hi, I'm trying to assign a DataSet to a data model on a product. On the website I have 185 Data Sets defined, but it seems the panel shows only 96, maybe the panel should show paging and there is an issue there? Also it woul ...
Justin Sjouw
22/12/2023 20:16:17
Last post: 23/01/2024 08:37:17
dwapi does not return theme but visible in template
dw 10.0.26 & swift 1.25 consuming api via dwapi/content/rows/150?device=0 returns empty theme field, but its visible and accesible in the .cshtml template. Also tested on dw 9.15.16 with same result ...
Joakim Sjöbäck
10/01/2024 11:51:24
Last post: 22/01/2024 09:35:16
I have a couple of dw10 solutions, none of which seem to generate a /sitemap.xml. Any special settings I have to enable to make it appear or is it still in the pipeline? I was looking for the checkbox to enable the Sitemap based on the URL provider,  ...
Justin Sjouw
16/01/2024 11:02:19
Last post: 19/01/2024 22:13:01
dwapi/content/pages?PageId=149 returns "The query returned no pages"
So i'm running swift 1.25 on dw 10.0.26 and as title says dwapi/content/pages?PageId=149 returns "The query returned no pages", but the same request properly returns pages on a swift 1.25 on dw 9.15.11. Is the issue related to dw10 or a ...
17/01/2024 16:38:17
Last post: 18/01/2024 11:05:15
Possible solution for headless dynamic product details page?
Hi, I'm running a Vue app consuming the DWAPI. I'm attempting to implement the same functionality where the product details page is dynamic, as is in Swift. So the issue is how to get a link to the product details page, when in the product li ...
17/01/2024 10:00:12
Last post: 18/01/2024 08:43:36
Item option selectors not visible in Dark Mode
Hi, The selectors for items like the Arrow placement on sliders is not visisble in Dark Mode: Br, Justin ...
Justin Sjouw
16/01/2024 09:46:25
Last post: 16/01/2024 17:30:29
Scheduled Task failed logs as information
When a scheduled task fails, it logs as information. It would make sense if it is logged as an error: ...
Justin Sjouw
29/12/2023 21:01:11
Last post: 15/01/2024 15:23:43
Saving a task renames the parent scheduled task
I see that I can now add multiple tasks to a schedule task, that's awesome! I did find an issue with the naming, when I create a scheduled task, add a task to it and then save the task, the parent scheduled task is renamed as well as the task its ...
Justin Sjouw
29/12/2023 20:54:24
Last post: 15/01/2024 15:23:26