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UI Product search on Global custom field

Davy Capiau


Is it possible to configure something in DW10 to search in a specific Global custom field?

Case: we have a 'secondary ID' we want to search on.



Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Davy,

With the standard UI queries being used, it's currently not possible to do. You could create your own UI queries and inject new nodes into the tree. Let me know if you want to know more about this approach.

We have internal discussions about if and how it should be possible to configure, but we don't have any conclusions yet.

- Jeppe

Votes for this answer: 1
Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

You can create a query:

Davy Capiau

Hi guys,

Thanks for the feedback. Where do you link the query to the backend search function?

Michael Knudsen

Shouldn't it be possible by using the "Search field" as decribed in the documentation?

Br. Michael Knudsen

Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Hi all,

Since there are two different query concepts in play here, let me just clear up some confusion that may play a roll. UI queries are implementation that derive from the Dynamicweb.CoreUI.Data.DataQueryBase class. These are used throughout the UI to provide data to screens. They are also available through the Management API. In contrast, index queries -- the ones used in My queries and Shared queries (and referenced by Nicolai) -- are definition files that use an index in a repository to search in a Lucene index based using manually defined expressions.

Search on a list screen uses a UI query so it's not possible to link an index query to the search field. If you create your own UI query and tree node to use that query, the list screen will use that query to search and you can fully control where and how the search is performed.

@Michael, what specifically are you referring to? The documentation states that the search field is used in product selector search, i.e., from a product selector UI component. It's not intended to be used in lists.

Again, we are looking into ways of making this better, but we don't have a solution for it just yet.

- Jeppe


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