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Forum » Dynamicweb 10 » The data item type with selected id is not found DW10 deploy

The data item type with selected id is not found DW10 deploy

Martin Moen

Trying to setup deployment in DW10, but I get an error.
Do you have any guides showing how to do this?!


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


New task # 19773 has been submitted to fix the bug, thanks.

BR, Oleg QA

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Martin

Bug #19773 fixed in release version 10.5.3 (Releasering 1)

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Care Support
Kristian Kirkholt


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