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Show Impersonated Users orders/quotes in Customer Center

Kenneth Holm



I do believe this issue is the same across DW9 and DW10.

When using the below option, I checked with debug=true and can confirm that the SQL query checks for OrderSecondaryUserId of EcomOrders, instead of matching OrderCustomerUserId from ImpersonatedUsers.


I do believe this is inconsistant with the wording. I have multiple projects that are planned to use the functionality as it's worded. I suggest fixing this bug with adding a 4th option, using the text from the selection option. And rephrasing the text to say "Own orders, and orders made while impersonating".

I added the SQL extract below, and highlighted the line in fault:


DECLARE @p0 DATETIME = '2024-12-09 16:14:27.283',
@p1 INT = 207,
@p2 INT = 1,
@p3 INT = 3,
@p4 INT = 5,
@p5 NVARCHAR(5) = N'LANG1',
@p6 DATETIME = '9999-12-31 00:00:00.000',
@p7 NVARCHAR(6) = N'SHOP14',
@p8 INT = 0,
@p9 INT = 1,
@p10 INT = 10
DECLARE @DefaultRate float;
SET @DefaultRate = IsNull((SELECT TOP 1 CurrencyRate FROM EcomCurrencies WHERE CurrencyIsDefault = 1), 100);
DECLARE @Time datetime;
SET @Time = @p0;
WITH ImpersonationIds AS
        SELECT AccessUserSecondaryRelationSecondaryUserId AS UserId FROM AccessUserSecondaryRelation
        LEFT JOIN AccessUser ON AccessUserId = AccessUserSecondaryRelationSecondaryUserId WHERE AccessUserSecondaryRelationUserId = @p1 AND AccessUserType IN (@p2,@p3,@p4)
        UNION ALL SELECT @p1 UNION ALL SELECT AccessUserId FROM AccessUser
            SELECT * FROM AccessUserSecondaryRelation
            WHERE AccessUserSecondaryRelationUserId = @p1
            AND AccessUserGroups LIKE '%@' + CONVERT(varchar(50), AccessUserSecondaryRelationSecondaryUserId) + '@%'
OrderedOrders AS
        SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY OrderDate Desc) AS RowNumber, EcomOrders.OrderId, EcomOrders.OrderShopName, EcomRecurringOrder.* , AccessUser.AccessUserName AS OrderSecondaryUserName
        FROM EcomOrders WITH (NOLOCK)
        LEFT JOIN EcomCurrencies ON EcomOrders.OrderCurrencyCode = EcomCurrencies.CurrencyCode AND EcomCurrencies.CurrencyLanguageID = @p5
        LEFT JOIN EcomOrderStates ON EcomOrders.OrderStateID = EcomOrderStates.OrderStateID
        LEFT JOIN EcomShops ON EcomOrders.OrderShopID = EcomShops.ShopID
        LEFT JOIN EcomRmas ON EcomOrders.OrderID = EcomRmas.RmaReplacementOrderId
        LEFT JOIN AccessUser ON EcomOrders.OrderSecondaryUserID = AccessUser.AccessUserID
        LEFT JOIN EcomRecurringOrder ON EcomOrders.OrderRecurringOrderId = EcomRecurringOrder.RecurringOrderID
        LEFT JOIN EcomTrackAndTrace ON EcomOrders.OrderTrackAndTraceId = EcomTrackAndTrace.TrackAndTraceId
        WHERE EcomOrders.OrderDeleted = 0
        AND EcomOrders.OrderDate <= @p6
        AND EcomOrders.OrderShopID = @p7
        AND EcomOrders.OrderComplete = 0
        AND EcomOrders.OrderIsQuote = 1
        AND EcomOrders.OrderIsLedgerEntry = @p8
        AND (EcomOrders.OrderIsRecurringOrderTemplate = 0 or OrderIsRecurringOrderTemplate is NULL)
        AND EXISTS
                SELECT * FROM ImpersonationIds
                WHERE ImpersonationIds.UserId = EcomOrders.OrderCustomerAccessUserID
                OR ImpersonationIds.UserId = EcomOrders.OrderSecondaryUserId
    ), OrdersCount as
        SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalOrdersCount FROM OrderedOrders
    SELECT * FROM OrdersCount, OrderedOrders WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN @p9 AND @p10
    ORDER BY RowNumber


Red markings should be deleted

Yellow should be rewritten, to consider data from AccessUserGroupRelation aswell as AccessUserGroups from AccessUser. In conclusion, it should be able to look for User to Group impersonation relations in addition to User to User impersonations.




Rasmus Sanggaard Dynamicweb Employee
Rasmus Sanggaard
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Kenneth, 

Thanks for the detailed description. I have created a user story for this to fix this in DW10 #22593.



Rasmus Sanggaard 

Votes for this answer: 1


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