I have a template that uses CsvExport https://www.nuget.org/packages/CsvExport
I installed the CsvExport dll via the dw CLI, and also did a manual upload and install, which is showing some weird behaviour. Either way the template give an error that Csv and CsvExport are not recognized after install. Also after recycling the AppPool. I attached a test version of a template using the CsvExport.
When I drop the dll in the bin folder of the dw10 admin application, the template does work. (I have configured it as the detail template of a Customer Experience Center app, allowing the user to download a csv of an order)
In this screencast you can see that, after I uploaded the dll to the Addins\Local folder, its seems to install correctly. At that point the template does not work (not part of the screencast), and if I Recycle the AppPool there is something wrong with the listing of the dll, showing the assembly name and version concatenated (partly), and the version and installed badge are missing:
Let me know if you need additional info...