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Inherit master product group relations

Davy Capiau



Is it possible in DW10 to 'inherit' the product relation group relations like the assets?

For example: the master has a relation to a product X. Because of this setting, the variant will also have a relation to product X.



Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Davy,

When using Product relations, it's possible to define "rules" to each relation-item.

If you look below, I have defined on two Bike relations, which Variant-Size and also Channel, there should be part of filtering

These rules are similar to what you can do on Assets.

If rule "Variants"are set to all, this relation would be visible on both MASTER & VARIANT on this Product (Look below screendump)

I hope you can use this.


Votes for this answer: 1
Davy Capiau

Thanks Søren! 


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