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Field type provider

Rene Poulsen
Rene Poulsen


I'm trying to create a custom FieldTypeProvider in DW10 because I need to have a field for EcomGroups where I can choose a FieldDisplayGroup. I'm having trouble getting a simple field working at all.

Do any of you have an example of how to create a FieldTypeProvider using a select / dropdown. Just a simple working example (can't find any useful documentation on it).


Rene Poulsen
Rene Poulsen

Another issue related to my abilities to create a non-working field ;-)
In the EcomProductGroupField table, my fields are not present any more because I tried to delete them. But when I got to Settings > Products > Attributes > Group fields, they are still listed. When I try to delete them, I get an error. It makes sense, as they are not present in the DB. But why do they still show up in the Group fields overview?

Rene Poulsen
Rene Poulsen

And here's a screenshot from the DB:

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

It is caused by cache not being updated automatically when doing things on the database.

You can reset the cache - by restarting the solution or resetting cache from Settings => System => Developer => Cache => Service cache:

Rene Poulsen
Rene Poulsen

@Nicolai. Thank you.

Can you provide a simple working example of a Field Type with a select/dropdown actually working? Just with some hardcoded values. I can easily populate the dropdown with whatever I need. But I just need a simple working example of a field to begin with.

Rene Poulsen
Rene Poulsen

@Nicolai - got any simple sample code for a working provider? We need it to work on EomGroups. As mentioned earlier - an example with hardcoded values in the select / dropdown is fine.


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