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Discount percentage field on price matrix

Thomas Larsen


How should the new Discount percentage field on price matrix be used?

The Price field is mandatory so must enter an amount there - which doesn't really make sense
But even if I do that and enter 10 in the discount the price is still 1000 in frontend?



Rasmus Sanggaard Dynamicweb Employee
Rasmus Sanggaard

Hi Thomas,


The discount percentage field is optional. How do you see that it is mandatory?

The discount percentage is saved in ecomPrices and when on the actual order line when you put that item in the cart.

BR Rasmus Sanggaard 

Thomas Larsen

Hi Rasmus,

It's the Price field that is mandatory, so both the Price and Discount percentage fields must be filled out if I want to specify af discount percent.

But if i do that, I can't se that that the discount percentage has any impact on the price in the frontend?

Michael Knudsen

Hello Rasmus,

- Thomas has written the "Price field is mandatory" not the "discount percentage".

>> The Price field is mandatory so must enter an amount there - which doesn't really make sense

Br. Michael Knudsen

Rasmus Sanggaard Dynamicweb Employee
Rasmus Sanggaard


Thanks for the clarification :)

The discount percentage is a discount on that price in the price matrix. The price discount is shown in the cart as it is applied to the order line. So this is an alternative to the normal discount and an easier way to apply customer specific discounts as we see it in ERPs like Business Central. 


BR Rasmus Sanggaard

Anders Ebdrup

Hi Rasmus,


Can you please tell me if the blueprints for the BC integration is updated with this new feature?

And are you thinking of making it possible to display this discount on the PLP and PDP and not only i the cart?


Best regards, Anders

Rasmus Sanggaard Dynamicweb Employee
Rasmus Sanggaard

Hi Anders,

Yes, it is part of Blueprints: New Price & Discount.

To provide some context, this feature is part of a larger epic aimed at enhancing the new price and discount experience in BC.

The feature is not fully implemented yet, but we are actively working on it. This means it will be included in both PLP and PDP.

Additionally, we also plan to support the settings on the price lines in BC: Allow Invoice Discount and Allow Line Discount.

Rasmus Sanggaard


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