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Forum » Dynamicweb 10 » Custom-Selector


Soe Moe Tun

Dear Dynamicweb,

Is there a way where we can create custom-selector like product-group-selector as in pic, and in there data are taken from outside dynamicweb? 


Best Regards,



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen


Yes, you can implement a selector provider:

Here is an example of our provider for the above selector:

public class ProductGroupSelectorProvider : SelectorProviderBase<string>, IProductGroupSelectorProvider, ISelectorProviderWithLinkValue
    private const int ColumnCount = 1;
    private static NavigationNodePath BasePath => new(typeof(ProductsArea).FullName);
    public Icon LinkIcon { get => Icon.Folder; }
    public string LinkType { get => "product-group"; }
    public string LinkName { get => "Product group"; }
    public bool ShowShops { get; set; } = true;
    public bool ShowChannels { get; set; } = true;
    public bool ShowWarehouses { get; set; } = true;
    public bool ShowDataStructures { get; set; } = true;
    public bool ShowDataModels { get; set; } = true;
    public bool AllowShopSelection { get; set; } = true;
    public List<string>? UnselectableGroupIds { get; set; }
    public List<string>? HiddenGroupIds { get; set; }

    public ProductGroupSelectorProvider() : base(ColumnCount)
    { }

    public override SelectorDefinitionModel GetDefinition()
        return new()
            ColumnCount = ColumnCount,
            Heading = AllowShopSelection ? "Select" : "Select group"

    protected override UiComponentBase? GetColumnContent(int columnIndex) => columnIndex switch
        1 => GetGroupList(),
        _ => null

    private ShowScreen GetGroupList()
        return new ShowScreen
            Value = typeof(TreeScreen),
            Query = new GroupNavigationByPathQuery
                Path = BasePath.Path,
                DisplayState = NavigationComponentDisplayState.Minimal,
                ShowShops = ShowShops,
                ShowChannels = ShowChannels,
                ShowWarehouses = ShowWarehouses,
                ShowDataStructures = ShowDataStructures,
                ShowDataModels = ShowDataModels,
                AllowShopSelection = AllowShopSelection,
                ShouldReturnValueAsLink = true,
                UnselectableGroupIds = UnselectableGroupIds,
                HiddenGroupIds = HiddenGroupIds
            Load = ShowScreen.LoadMethod.Inline

    public override IEnumerable<SelectedItem>? GetSelectedItems(IEnumerable<string> selectedValues)
        if (selectedValues is not null)
            var query = new ProductCatalogGroupByIdQuery();
            return selectedValues.Select(groupId =>
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupId))
                    return new SelectedItem()
                        Id = groupId,
                        Name = groupId,
                        IsInvalid = true
                query.Id = groupId;
                var group = query.GetModel();
                return GetSelectedItemFromGroup(groupId, group?.Name ?? groupId);

        return null;

    internal static SelectedItem GetSelectedItemFromGroup(string groupId, string groupName) => new()
        Id = groupId,
        Name = groupName,
        Link = $"groupid={groupId}",
        DisplayName = $"{groupName} (ID: {groupId})",

    public void ConfigureForLink(Link link)
        ShowChannels = true;
        ShowWarehouses = true;

Then we create the selector like this:

public static Selector CreateProductGroupSelector(ProductGroupSelectorOptions? options)
    options ??= new();
    var provider = AddInManager.GetInstance<IProductGroupSelectorProvider>()
        ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to resolve instance of {typeof(IProductGroupSelectorProvider).FullName}.");

    provider.ShowShops = options.ShowShops;
    provider.ShowChannels = options.ShowChannels;
    provider.ShowWarehouses = options.ShowWarehouses;
    provider.ShowDataStructures = options.ShowDataStructures;
    provider.ShowDataModels = options.ShowDataModels;
    provider.AllowShopSelection = options.AllowShopSelection;
    provider.UnselectableGroupIds = options.UnselectableGroupIds;
    provider.HiddenGroupIds = options.HiddenGroupIds;

    var selector = CreateSelectorByProvider(provider as SelectorProviderBase<string>, options?.Hint, options?.Explanation, options?.Multiselect, Icons.Icon.Archive);

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options?.Value))
    bool multiselect = options?.Multiselect ?? false;

    selector.EmptyStateText = multiselect ? "Select product groups" : "Search product group";
    selector.Hint = options?.Hint ?? (multiselect ? "Search or browse for product groups" : "Search or browse for a product group");
    selector.EmptyStateSearchText = "Search product groups";

    return selector;

And use it like this:

public override EditorBase? GetEditor(string propertyName, PageDataModel? model) => propertyName switch
    nameof(model.NavigationUseEcomGroups) => new Checkbox() { ReloadOnChange = true },
    nameof(model.NavigationProvider) => CreateNavigationProviderSelect(),
    nameof(model.NavigationParentType) => CreateNavigationParentTypeSelect(),
    nameof(model.NavigationGroups) => SelectorBuilder.CreateProductGroupSelector(new() { Multiselect = true }),
    nameof(model.NavigationShopId) => EditorHelper.GetShopEditor(),
    nameof(model.NavigationMaxLevels) => CreateNavigationMaxLevelsSelect(),
    nameof(model.NavigationProductPage) => SelectorBuilder.CreatePageSelector(areaId: model?.AreaId),
    _ => null
Soe Moe Tun


Thank you Nicolai.

Best Regards,



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