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OperatorType Enumeration

Expression operator enumeration

Namespace:  Dynamicweb.Indexing.Querying.Expressions
Assembly:  Dynamicweb.Indexing (in Dynamicweb.Indexing.dll) Version: 5.0.2
public enum OperatorType
  Member nameValueDescription
GreaterThan0 An operator representing a "greater than" numeric comparison.
GreaterThanOrEqual1 An operator representing a "greater than or equal" numeric comparison.
LessThan2 An operator representing a "less than" numeric comparison.
LessThanOrEqual3 An operator representing a "less than or equal" numeric comparison.
Equal4 An operator representing an equality comparison.
MatchAny5 An operator representing a "match any" operator.
MatchAll6 An operator representing a "match all" operator.
Contains7 An operator representing a "containing" comparison.
ContainsExtended8 An operator representing a "containing" comparison with a leading *.
In9 An operator representing an inclusion comparison.
Between10 An operator representing a "between" comparison.
And11 An operator representing a logical AND operation.
Or12 An operator representing a logical OR operation.
IsEmpty13 An operator representing a check for if the selected field is empty
See Also