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Expression Class

The Class Expression represents common expressions
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dynamicweb.Indexing.Querying.Expressions
Assembly:  Dynamicweb.Indexing (in Dynamicweb.Indexing.dll) Version: 5.0.2
public class Expression

The Expression type exposes the following members.

Public methodExpression
Initializes a new instance of the Expression class
Public methodStatic memberAnd
Creates an GroupExpression with the And operator.
Public methodStatic memberBetween
Creates an BinaryExpression with the Between operator.
Public methodStatic memberBinary
Creates an BinaryExpression with the specified value.
Public methodStatic memberCode
Creates an CodeExpression with the specified value.
Public methodStatic memberConstant
Creates an ConstantExpression with the specified value.
Public methodStatic memberContains
Creates an BinaryExpression with the Contains operator.
Public methodStatic memberContainsExtended
Creates an BinaryExpression with the Contains operator.
Public methodStatic memberEqual
Creates an BinaryExpression with the Equal operator.
Public methodStatic memberField
Creates an FieldExpression with the specified values.
Public methodStatic memberFullTextSearch
Creates an FullTextSearchExpression with the specified search text, fields to look in and wildcard type.
Public methodStatic memberGreaterThan
Creates an BinaryExpression with the GreaterThan operator.
Public methodStatic memberGreaterThanOrEqual
Creates an BinaryExpression with the GreaterThanOrEqual operator.
Public methodStatic memberGroup
Creates an GroupExpression with the specified value.
Public methodStatic memberIn
Creates an BinaryExpression with the In operator.
Public methodStatic memberLessThan
Creates an BinaryExpression with the LessThan operator.
Public methodStatic memberLessThanOrEqual
Creates an BinaryExpression with the LessThanOrEqual operator.
Public methodStatic memberMacro
Creates a MacroExpression with the specified macro string.
Public methodStatic memberMatchAll
Creates an BinaryExpression with the MatchAll operator.
Public methodStatic memberMatchAny
Creates an BinaryExpression with the MatchAny operator.
Public methodStatic memberOr
Creates an GroupExpression with the Or operator.
Public methodStatic memberParameter
Creates a ParameterExpression with the specified parameter name.
Public methodStatic memberTerm
Creates an TermExpression with the specified value.
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy