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Site re-installing issue

Khup Khen Twan(kkt)
Khup Khen Twan(kkt)

I installed and used this site last week. But when I call the site today, it goes back as the first installation.

When I click and arrive at Step2: the new file comes out at (wwwroot>Files>GlobalSettings.config) with today date.

But the new name is not the same like the original file. The new file name is => ( wwwroot>Files>GlobalSettings.Database.config ).

Then when I delete “GlobalSettings.Database.config” and refresh IIS. It works fine. May I know the root issue is?



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

What you describe indicates that Dynamicweb could not locate the /Files folder - then the installer creates new config files.

wwwroot->files is the default location of /Files in Dynamicweb - so if you have configured your solution to use another files path in web.config, and that setting is wrong, missing or something else, Dynamicweb defaults back to wwwroot. See more here:


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