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Create/Update Price from Management Api

Anders Ebdrup

Hello everyone,


How can I create a price using the Management API where I control the PriceId?

And does the Management API support "upserts," where a price is created if it does not exist and updated if the PriceId already exists?


Best regards,


Anders Ebdrup

Hello again,

Any thoughts one this one?

Best regards, Anders

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

In this case it does not - not for a particular reason, but just because.

We just had a talk about this and has made changes to the pricesavecommand and the underlying repo that saves to DB so it will support creating new prices with own IDs from the management api. The change needs to be tested and it will then release as a new feature in next 10.12


BR Nicolai


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