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Unable to restore (units field type) category field to default value

Barend Mosch

Hi there!

I'm experiencing an issue where a category field, defined as an UnitFIeldType, will not restore to its default value defined in the used Group. Below the situation in screenshots.

On a given PIM group, the field 'Transport time' has a default value of '55' with 'D' as unit. On product level this value is overwritten to '10' 

When restoring, it briefly shows either the default value, which is 55, or nothing. Saving the product will show the overwritten value again.
Ive inspected the element, and I think the unit might create an issue with parsing. (occurs when saving the product after restore.

Ive tested it with a field without unit. Defined as an int and restoring it works fine.

Hopefully this illustrates the situation, a video recording can be inserted as wel if required.
Thanks in advance & kind regards,

Barend Mosch, Bluedesk


Barend Mosch

Hi there,

Is there an update on this issue?

Cheers & kind regards,

Barend Mosch

Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Barend,

I have made some test, and I do not get that type of error on my solution..

I have made a setup with 4 transport indications, and that works ..


Check your setup, and if it's still a problem, please contact our



Barend Mosch

Hi Søren,

Thanks for the response. although I can still reproduce it, also on older environments. (9.17.13 & 9.16.16 respectively).

Is there anything in the solutions settings / field configuration that might help or manipulate field behaviour?

For clarification I'll send some screenshots with the process of showing the behaviour:

Custom Unit field type called 'PeriodsProv'

Product category where field 'Transport_time' is used in:

Category is assigned to a PIM group where a default value is set to '20'

Product in the PIM group has the field overwritten with value '21'

Stored in the EcomProductCategoryFieldValue as:

When clicking 'Restore to default value' becomes nothing

After saving the product field is back to '21' not the default '20'. The database record is unchanged. Stays 21 (D).

Kind regards,
Barend Mosch

Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Barend,

Please send it to our "Dynamicweb Care" on email:


Barend Mosch

Have done, Thanks Søren

Dynamicweb Employee
Aleksandar Borislavov Ivanov
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Barend,

This has been classified as bug #23126 and will be resolved in the next DW9 release.

Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

Votes for this answer: 1
Barend Mosch

Thanks for the update, looking forward to the release Aleksandar!


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