I'm setting up a DW10 Swift site for a client on their production environment and I'm running into some funny business in the DW10 admin, for example:
- Creating a shop channel does not automatically create a EcomShopLanguageRelation, I had to manually go to the database and put it in.
- Also when editing the shop, certain information is hidden from the edit view such as the Languages, Completion rules and more:
- Also when editing the shop, certain information is hidden from the edit view such as the Languages, Completion rules and more:
- Language, index and more settings hidden when editing a Data integration job´s destination settings:
First when I opened the task settings I saw the language selector, changed the language, hit save, closed the task settings, opened them again and the input field was gone... Indexes to build window never appears, here´s how it looks on test:
Same data integration job file :)
I'm not running into these issues on their test environment, same dw version but different Swift db version and Swift files version.
Best regards,