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Set primary page (productdetail) on groups in ecommerce

Marie Louise Veigert


Im looking into the DW10 version of PIM and ecommerce.
In the documentation it states that you cannot choose a productdetailpage for this group.
Have this functionality moved? Or just removed?

I ask because the client want this functionality :) 


Marie Louise


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Marie Louise

It was discussed to remove since this information is not product catalog related, but related to the publishing the products. E.g. in a headless scenario, it does not make a lot of sense.

Either way, the field is still there and we will keep supporting it - we might come up with a better idea some day, but for now we have not :-)

So it is on the specified tab.

Marie Louise Veigert

Thanks Nicolai,

I have another question regarding Products and groups in DW10.

In DW9 it was possible to select products and add them to groups (fx in Warehouses).
I cannot find the option. Is it a new workflow in DW10 for this?

Im looking into this scenario: 
We would have some products imported into DW without groups. 
Where do they end and how do the user assign them to groups in Products? (PIM)

In DW9 they would end in ecommerce 'all products'. and PIM 'all products'

Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Marie,

If you have time, I could give you a introduction the DW10 PIM

I will send you email about when ..




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