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Mandatory configuration (skips) in the PIM indexer

Barend Mosch

Hi there!

We're having a situation where the PIM indexer is taking quite a time, roughly 30 minutes. While cleaning it up in order to make it faster, we looked at the settings and came across some boolean fields that allows you to skip certain categories to be indexed. (for example):

Currently, the bulk of the building time is dedicated to the images:

And counting.

My question being, are there categories in there that are not relevant for the PIM indexer? For example:
What are the consequences with skipping the images?
Are the campaign and assortments required for the PIM indexer?

In general, the purpose of the indexer is understandable, but how it works in detail is not quite clear. Is there any suitable documention on Lucene indexers?

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

Barend Mosch, Bluedesk


Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Barend,

You can find documentation on above parameters her Product Indexes (

Which of above parameters you can skip, depends on the setup and how/what should be valudated on


  • If you want to be able to validate on products, on existing Default image, you need index for that
    • If you do not use function "ImagePattern", then set "SkipImagePatternImages" = True
    • If you don't want this validation/search, set both "SkipDetailImages" and "SkipImagePatternImages" = True
  • If you do not use Price facets & search, set "SkipPrices" = True
  • ... and so on ..

As more precise you can define your Index, as faster it is to build



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