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BUG Active column in Listview not functioning

Kasper Pedersen

In PIM listview the active column is represented by a red cross (inactive)  and green checkmark (active).

It is possible på click the red cross to activate the product, quickly after loading finsihes it changes to green checkmark but instantly changes back to a red cross.

This makes the product appear to be inactive in the listview, but when looking at the productview it is marked as active.

It is also not possible to click the red cross to again to make the product inactive again.


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Kasper

I cannot reproduce this in 9.16.6 and in 9.17.6

Can you share information about your browser, your version and maybe a short video? What happens if you try in a inkognito? 

Thanks, Nicolai

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Also - can you see if you get a console error? I.e. a 500 response code back from the active toggle request?

Kasper Pedersen

I'm on a DW 9.17.4

No 500 error messages. I've tried on Chrome, Edge and Firefox both in incognito and normal mode.

I've experienced the bug the other way around, where it is able to activate, but then the issue arises when trying to deactivate. 

I have attached a small video snippet of the bug.

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Kasper

Do not double click :-). It looks kind of weird... I cannot reproduce and I do not have a bug on record that should have fixed this... You can always try an update, but it looks installation specific. Could you have a ribbonbar add-in in your custom code - and does it inject JS?

When you look at the network tab of what is going on when you do this - do you then see 2 requests to toggle - or just one? And what is the initiator?

Do you have a staging installation of the same site - and does that have the same issue?

BR Nicolai

Kasper Pedersen

Hi Nicolai, no double cliking here :-)

We don't have ribbonbar add-in in our custom code and i only get one a single request when toggling.

We have a staging installation where I  can reproduce this issue. 

This is what i get when it fails to update the active column.

Kasper Pedersen

Hello again, any news on this? :)

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Kasper

We have not looked into it further - we need access to a URL where the problem is present. The problem cannot be re-created in our environments....

BR Nicolai

Kasper Pedersen

Here is an url where I just recreated the bug:





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