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Forum » Dynamicweb 10 » Custom fonts not working

Custom fonts not working

Kasper Pedersen

Hi, I'm working on DW 10.0.22.

I'm trying to use custom fonts and have followed the guide here: Custom fonts in Swift | Dynamicweb 10 Developer Documentation

When I preview the Custom font collection it renders as suspected but the Branding page preview fails to render with the error and the fonts aren't loaded on the main page.

Can you please help resolve this issue? Everything works fine when using google fonts.


Dynamicweb Employee
Carsten Boll

This seems like a Swift-issue more than a DW-issue.

Which version of Swift is this?

Martin Ottesen
Martin Ottesen

Hi Carsten, 

Well yes, but it only happens in DW10. 

This is a 1.24 on a 10.0.22.


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