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Forum » Templates » Enumerating Product Fields / Product Category Fields from an item_type dropdown list

Enumerating Product Fields / Product Category Fields from an item_type dropdown list

Stephen Jackson


I am trying to develop a generic item type for displaying a product or product category field.

I have defined an item type with a "Product Field" (Drop down) and Style field (Text), and created the follow SQL Query as the source for the dropdown

SELECT concat(FieldCategoryId, '->', FieldId) as Label, 
concat(FieldCategoryId, ':', FieldId) as Value
FROM EcomProductCategoryField 
where FieldPresentationType=1

This will get all the non-reference fields for product categories, split the category and field name on the " : ", and allow someone to simply select which field they want when dropping the item type into a page with a product catalog app.  ( fieldValue = product.ProductCategories[FieldCategoryId].Fields[FieldId].Value.ToString(); )


I am not sure how to do this dynamically for the system types, as these can be simple fields in the ecom_products table (price), or complex types (Manufacturer) spanning multiple tables.

So I cannot just do a 

fieldValue = product.ProductCategories[FieldCategoryId].Fields[FieldId].Value.ToString(); as I intend to do with the product category fields.

Does anyone have any tips on how to enumerate and display the built-in types in a generic way?

I really dont want to have to do in the template, a massive switch with 200 'case "FieldName": value =;' 



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Stephen,


If you need it in a SQL you can do SELECT ProductFieldName, ProductFieldSystemName FROM EcomProductField


That will give you both the system and the custom fields.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Stephen Jackson

Thanks Nikolai. But I cannot use that in the Item_Type dropdown list data sources AFAIK?

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Stephen 

No, that you cannot. Maybe you can query the schema of ecomproducts table?

Stephen Jackson

Hi Nicolai.

I had the same thought, and tried a schema query from the firehose interface, but it returned no resultset for some reason


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