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Assets Auto check in, use of custom product fields

Tomas Vasiliūnas


I want to ask if it's possible to use custom product fields for asset auto check in patterns? In documentation where is nothing about that (whether it is possible or not), however in image pattern documentation it is written that custom product attributes can be used. 

I can't force system to work with Custom product field patterns. DW version 9.15.10


Michael Knudsen

Hello Tomas,

- could you add an example of the pattern you have written in text or as image?

Br. Michael Knudsen

Tomas Vasiliūnas

Here it is:


What we want to achieve - Customer has assets which are suitable for part of products in category or even for all products in product category, so we want to have an attribute where we would set the same value for corresponding products and later use asset auto check in to assign those assets to products.

let's say we have 100 of products which have same installation manual. So we'll assign a value "Carbon air filter" and expect that if I add a file named "Carbon air filter-manual.pdf" it will be assigned as asset to category Manuals to all the corresponding products 

Michael Knudsen

Hello Tomas,

- as long the Product_asset_pattern_by_category is a product field (and not a product category field) it should work. Have you tried to change the 'Primary image rule' from "Postfix" to "None"?

I have the following example, which is working for a long time now, but please note this solution is running DW9.13.8. Field ProductGroup is a custom product field.

Br. Michael Knudsen

Tomas Vasiliūnas

Did some extensive testing using different custom product attributes and this feature does not work.

Setting value from "Postfix" to "None" makes no influence.

If I hardcode same values in patterns, I mean values, which are written to custom attributes - auto check in works ok.

Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Tomas,

If the field are type "Product customer field", it should work with your settings ..

Have you chosen the correct file extensions ?

The "Primary image rule" has no influence on your settings

If you can't get it to work, please send it to our support team


Tomas Vasiliūnas

Hi, Soren,

Support already sent me here :) 

I believe my setup is correct:

Michael Knudsen

Hello Tomas,

- if the field have a "System name" = Product_asset_pattern_by_category that part should be fine, but what kind of "Field type" have you created? And why isn't it a Text(255)?

Br. Michael Knudsen

Tomas Vasiliūnas

Michael, it's a custom type with concatenate provider. So basically it's value is still a string at the end?

Michael Knudsen

Hello Tomas,

- I don't think you can use a concat-field type in the pattern. If it's a simple concat, you can do it in the pattern instead eg {field1}-{field2}-manual*

Br. Michael Knudsen

Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Tomas,

It is only regular Standard- and Customer-fields, there can be used in Pattern

Fieldtype "Concat" can't be used



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