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Recommendations for Deployment of DW10

Justin Sjouw Dynamicweb Employee
Justin Sjouw


I have a setup with automatic deployment for DW9 and I am planning for upgrading my Solution to DW10.

Very shortly summarized The setup right now is that the IIS sites are pre-configured on a specific version of the Application folder, i.e the IIS root is the Application(9.14.6) and a Virtual folder is added pointing to the Files directtory of Swift, which is automatically deployed from a Git branch.

In thinking about setting up a new pipeline for DW10 I have some questions, that will probably impact the best way forward:

  • In the information about DW10 is is mentioned that the standard application is better isolated from custom code. How is this achieved technically?
  • Am I correct in concluding that in DW10 it is now a reccomended practice to include DW10 as a NuGet package, and run it in Kestrel, and so the seperation into application and solution folders is no longer needed in development?
  • Would it be a good practice to just deploy DW10 in this NuGet way as well, i.e. in the pipeline I Build the project which includes the NuGet reference to DynamicWeb.Suite. The full project is then deployed to IIS with both standard DW (Admin) and Swift?

Looking forward to spinning up some linux machines and deploying to that :-)




Justin Sjouw Dynamicweb Employee
Justin Sjouw

So after watching the excellent webinars of the past days I think i can answer a lot of the questions already :-)

Please do correct me if I am wrong at any of these points:

  • In the information about DW10 is is mentioned that the standard application is better isolated from custom code. How is this achieved technically?

So the primary mechanism here seems to be the new addin structure. Which can be managed through the Management API as well, combined with the CLI that indeed seems to make managing custom Addins a lot more flexible

  • Am I correct in concluding that in DW10 it is now a reccomended practice to include DW10 as a NuGet package, and run it in Kestrel, and so the seperation into application and solution folders is no longer needed in development?

I'll just go for a yes here :-)

  • Would it be a good practice to just deploy DW10 in this NuGet way as well, i.e. in the pipeline I Build the project which includes the NuGet reference to DynamicWeb.Suite. The full project is then deployed to IIS with both standard DW (Admin) and Swift?

And here as wel. Although I recognize that in larger environments containerizing might be a good idea. For small scale setups, this seems to be something that should work very well in DW10




Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Justin

Adins are can now be installed from the backend in the "app store" - still being improved.

From there you can install nuget packages that we deploy for i.e. payment gateways, shipping providers and other stuff. These packages are listed in Nuget - they are tagged with "DW10" and "addin" and comes from our organisation:

Then you can install your own local nuget packages - or just dlls. Either from the UI (though that buttons seems to be gone right now).

Here I installed a payment gateway:

Which then gets installed in /Files/System/Addins

This can also be done from your local project or part of your build pipeline using the CLI:

dw install ./bin/Release/net7.0/CustomProject.dll

We have no specific recommendation to install and run - sometimes kestrel makes sense, sometimes IIS and sometimes containers. But locally installing and running with dotnet CLI is easy.

Deploying using nuget references makes a lot of sense in some scenarios - in other you just build your project with minimum Dynamicweb package references, and then deploy your resulting dll or nuget package to your hosted solution using the CLI or other pipeline features. 

Then you would run locally with a nuget install, but deploy to a hosted and automatic updated dynamicweb installation.

BR Nicolai

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