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Variants Deactivated When Change Made to Another Variant

Deni Paramarta

Hello everyone,

I hope I can find some more insignts on this issue that we've been having. We have a product (Travato) that has four extended variants (59K, 59KL, 59G, 59GL), all within the same variant group (FLOORPLAN). For some strange reason, when

  • Change is made to 59G, 59GL gets deactivated
  • Change is made to 59K, 59KL gets deactivated

We have two ProductAfterSave/ProductBeforeSave notification subscribers, which have been deactivated for testing purpose. The issue above still persists.

Here's an audit log and quick description (from top to bottom, color-coded, see screenshot)

  • [blue] Changing a field in 59G, 59GL deactivated
  • [yellow] Changing a field in 59KL, no other variant affected
  • [purple] Changing a field in 59GL, no other variant affected
  • [green]Changing a field in 59K, 59KL deactivated
  • [red] Changing a field in 59G, 59GL deactivated

Here's screenshot of the setup in PIM:


I am attaching excel file containing results of the following SQL queries.Nothing (in my limited knowledge) seems off.

SELECT * FROM EcomProducts
WHERE ProductId = 'PROD439'

SELECT * FROM EcomVariantsOptions
WHERE VariantOptionId IN ('59G', '59GL', '59K', '59KL')

SELECT * FROM EcomVariantOptionsProductRelation
WHERE VariantOptionsProductRelationProductId = 'PROD439'

NOTE: We have not seen this issue with other product, except the products that were copy of this product:

  • 2020 Travato (original)
  • 2021 Travato (copied from 2020)
  • 2022 Travato (copied from 2021)
  • 2023 Travato (copied from 2022)




We are currently on 9.12.4 Due to the complexity of our solution and the amount of effort it would take us to upgrade, trying an upgraded solution would be a prohibitive solution.



Thank you,

Winnebago Industries


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


I've researched the issue using Rapido 3.4.3 environment based on last DW9.13.7 and was not able to reproduce it. Please, have a look at the video to comment if my way is different against yours. I hope upgrade of your solution allows to avoide the issue.

BR, Oleg QA

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Deni

I have just asked our team in US if they will help on figuring this issue out or if we should do it from HQ. We will get back!

Thanks, Nicolai

Deni Paramarta

Oleg and Nikolai, thank  you for your response.

Oleg, most other products are not affected by this. Only products that are copy of the original Travato (2020 Travato, 2021 Travato, etc.).

As I mentioned, an upgrade is usually a huge lift for our organization. However, I will try the latest version in my local environment to see if the issue still persists.




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Deni

It does sound like a data issue in some way. I belive the US team can help you investigate the data and see if they can find something wrong with that.


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