Im trying to import new products into a group in PIM in DW 9.10.4
The new product are in a CSV file.
the csv is pretty basic with only a few fields:
ProductId; ProductLanguageId; ProductVariantId; ProductName; ProductNumber
For some reason im not able to choose anyting in "Import Key"
If i click on "Appy settings to preview", i get a "Unable to load data for preview"
If i choose any setting in "Source encoding" i get a servererror eg. "UTF8' is not a supported encoding name."
When i click on "Next"
The mappins are empty
Sometimes i get a servererror in the Devtools in the file: /Admin/Module/IntegrationV2/Import/DataImport_SetMapping.aspx?SourceTableSelector=EcomProducts
I have also tried exporting an excel from PIM, made changes to that file (added new products), and then importing it again. In that case i also got an error.