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Auto Publication to Ecom Groups from PIM

Yoon Peti Nwe Dynamicweb Employee
Yoon Peti Nwe

Dear Sir,

I noticed that there have new feature for auto publishing the products from PIM to respective Ecommerce Group.

But I am not very clear about the rule and how does it work. So that I had tried as per this explanation ( but I still have doubts. 

In our project, we have a structure query already to filter the product group structure based on the product fields' data. As per your example to publish the products automactically, we have to create the query again under Product Repository to meet with the auto publishing rule so that the structure query that we created was useless.

Below image was the filter in my structure query to acheive the group structure requirement.

For eg., We have Product A , gender was Kids Boy and category 2 was Sleepwear. As per this filter we acheive the group structure already and we would like to publish the product under these group structure to respective ecomgroups automatically. Could u please suggest me that is there any way to publish like that?

And could u please guide me that is there any documents or vimeo for this new feature? 

I am looking forward to hearing from you.







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