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Rapido BaseMegaMenu error after upgrading to 9.9.0

Søren Ravn Lund


Rapido version 3.4

I get the following error after upgrading from DW version 9.8.9 to 9.9.0

The Web.config has been merged and netstandard is referenced

    <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.7.2">
        <add assembly="netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51" />
        <add expressionPrefix="GS" type="Dynamicweb.Controls.Design.GlobalSettingsExpressionBuilder, Dynamicweb.Controls" />



Nicolai Pedersen
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Well, better take a look inside that XSLT and see what is in it and see what is in your bin.

Rapido runs fine on 9.9:

If you are hosted by us, we can have support look into it.

BR Nicolai

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Søren Ravn Lund
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Thanks for the swift reply.

My XSLT is 100% default - but adding <msxsl:assembly name="netstandard" /> to it fixes it.

So I guess it is something environment-related that requires my application to have that reference since you don't need it in yours.

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Nicolai Pedersen

Yeah - probably. Maybe when .net stanard is installed on the server?

Søren Ravn Lund

Yeah.. tried installing .netcore 2.0 to be sure it's there, but cannot properly test atm. 

Scott Forsyth Dynamicweb Employee
Scott Forsyth
This post has been marked as an answer

Thanks Soren. I ran into the same situation. For anyone interested in the future (or my future self), that needed to be added to BaseMegaMenu.xslt beside the other <msxsl:assembly ...> references, starting on line 4.


<msxsl:assembly name="netstandard" />  

Votes for this answer: 2
Søren Ravn Lund

Hi Scott - good job with the specific guidelines yes


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