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Handlebars template not rendered in product details

Reynir Viðar Ingason

Hi there,


we have a WIP test site up and are experiencing some strange issues.
The product information is not being rendered but other handlebars generated content is being rendered on other pages.

First we thought maybe something was wrong with the contentes of the template, we replaced the content with a simple <p> tag but even that does not render.
We then realized that the same themplate works locally for some of our developers so we figgured there was a difference in some settings but we have so far been unable to find that setting. It might even be data related but we spotted nothing breaking in the feed.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
We are using Rapido 3.1 and DynamicWeb 9.7.1.




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Reynir

Somethings seems to be broken, but it is also rather custom, so difficult for us to look at.

When looking at the product above, I see a lot of requests to the same feed 5-6, there should be 1, see dump. Also a LOT of data beeing downloaded eventhough the page does not contain much information. But that seems to be images loading for the product image carousel that Rapido does not run through GetImage... Should probably be changed for this site.

BR Nicolai

Reynir Viðar Ingason

Hi Nicolai,


thanks for the pointers.

As it turns out we were using a product app in the mega menu that was firing off requests for the feed when viewing a product details page.
Once we removed the feed templates from that catalog the issue was resolved.

As to the images not using the image handler, we have that on out todo list along with a million other things :)



Nicolai Pedersen

Product app in navigation??? Sounds slow....


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