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Forum » Rapido » Custom components breaking cart page

Custom components breaking cart page

Lara Arsénio

I got a broken cart page after creating a custom component.

It turned out to be the include Custom__Components.cshtml, that is repeated, both inside "GeneralComponents.cshml" and then included in the cart step template files

@* Include the required Grid builder (Contains the methods @RenderBlockList and @RenderBlock) *@



@* Remove redundant include *@


I Found this issue only in this files subset



Karsten Thuen Dynamicweb Employee
Karsten Thuen

Hi Lara

Thank you for reporting this. You are perfectly right, this is wrong. The reference to the "Custom__Components.cshtml" should not be in the cart template, as it is already referenced in "GeneralComponents.cshtml"

We have already made the fix, and it will be in the next Rapido release. Until then, you can safely remove the wrong reference.


Best regards
Karsten Thuen


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