In the latest release, I have been experiencing trouble with the Favorites list, that removes the lists out of the available ones in PLP.
Steps in Frontend:
1) Add a few favorites lists in Favorites page
2) Promote one that is not the default to default, using the link on the right
3) Return to the product list . Result: When click the star icon, in a product, the lists that where promoted to "Default" are missing
Code TroubleShooting:
1) In the line 77 of \Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\eCom\CustomerCenter\Blocks\MyList\List.cshtml , determines IsPublished is required to show the PublishDate.
item.AddInfoRow(Translate("Published until"), listitem.GetBoolean("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.IsPublished") ? listitem.GetDate("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.PublishToDate").ToString("d") : Translate("Never"));
1.1) As the date is not being passed, the action "Set as Default" saves the FavoriteList to a 1/1/0001 date, so invalid.
2) Beside the Dates, it seems that all parameters are required, to perform a "Set To Default" action on the favorites list
Please check the screencast:
The patch I as bellow used works
item.AddAction(new Button { OnClick = "makeDefault('/Default.aspx?ID=" + pageId + "&" + pid + "=EditList&ListID=" + listitem.GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.ListTypes.List.ID") + "&CC_IsDefault=on&CC_Name=" + listitem.GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.ListTypes.List.Name") // added to allow fields to be saved + "&CC_IsPublished=True" + "&CC_Type="+listitem.GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.Type") + "&CC_Description="+listitem.GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.ListTypes.List.Description") + "&CC_PublishedToDay="+ listitem.GetDate("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.PublishToDate").ToString("dd") + "&CC_PublishedToMonth="+ listitem.GetDate("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.PublishToDate").ToString("MM") + "&CC_PublishedToYear="+ listitem.GetDate("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.PublishToDate").ToString("yyyy") + "')", Title = Translate("Set as default") });
This comes as part of the Rapido Blocks structure, that is why I am requesting the fix
Also, it seems that HandleEditProductList() function will not perform the favoriteList.Save() unless all methods are available in the Context.Current.Request
=> I would suggest that the optimal fix would be in HandleEditProductList , so it is not necessary to pass all the parameters in the url request.
Thank you