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Favorites List - Bug in action "Set as Default" is removing available lists out of PLP/PDP

Lara Arsénio

In the latest release, I have been experiencing trouble with the Favorites list, that removes the lists out of the available ones in PLP.

Steps in Frontend:

1) Add a few favorites lists in Favorites page

2) Promote one that is not the default to default, using the link on the right

3) Return to the product list . Result: When click the star icon, in a product, the lists that where promoted to "Default" are missing  

Code TroubleShooting:

1) In the line 77 of  \Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\eCom\CustomerCenter\Blocks\MyList\List.cshtml ,  determines IsPublished is required  to show the PublishDate. 

item.AddInfoRow(Translate("Published until"), listitem.GetBoolean("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.IsPublished") ? listitem.GetDate("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.PublishToDate").ToString("d") : Translate("Never"));

1.1) As the date is not being passed, the action "Set as Default" saves the FavoriteList to a 1/1/0001 date, so invalid.

2) Beside the Dates, it seems that all parameters are required, to perform a "Set To Default" action on the favorites list

Please check the screencast:

The patch I as bellow used works

item.AddAction(new Button
    OnClick = "makeDefault('/Default.aspx?ID=" + pageId + "&" + pid + "=EditList&ListID=" + listitem.GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.ListTypes.List.ID") 
              + "&CC_IsDefault=on&CC_Name=" + listitem.GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.ListTypes.List.Name") 
// added to allow fields to be saved 
              + "&CC_IsPublished=True"
              + "&CC_Type="+listitem.GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.Type")
              + "&CC_Description="+listitem.GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.ListTypes.List.Description")
              + "&CC_PublishedToDay="+ listitem.GetDate("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.PublishToDate").ToString("dd")
              + "&CC_PublishedToMonth="+ listitem.GetDate("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.PublishToDate").ToString("MM")
              + "&CC_PublishedToYear="+ listitem.GetDate("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.PublishToDate").ToString("yyyy") 
              + "')",
    Title = Translate("Set as default")

This comes as part of the Rapido Blocks structure, that is why I am requesting the fix

Also, it seems that HandleEditProductList() function will not perform the favoriteList.Save() unless all methods are available in the Context.Current.Request


=> I would suggest that the optimal fix would be in HandleEditProductList , so it is not necessary to pass all the parameters in the url request.

Thank you






Karsten Thuen Dynamicweb Employee
Karsten Thuen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Lara

Thank you for reporting this. And an extra thanks for providing a good solution. I have fixed the Rapido part of the bug, as you suggested. Bug number #68479 


Best regards
Karsten Thuen

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