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DoNotAddUnsubscribe not working?

Lara Arsénio
I would expect the one bellow to be hidden if "DoNotAddUnsubscribe" is checked, and that to be handled internally by DW. Perhaps there is a workaround?
What placeholder TAG returns this "DoNotAddUnsubscribe" value?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Lara

Can you please ellaborate - not sure I understand your question

Lara Arsénio

Hello Nicolai.

My question is how can I instance the field "DoNotAddUnsubscribe" that is set in Email  Advanced tab, under "Unsubscribe Email" - see image attached.

I need the text returned by the tag  {{EmailMarketing:Email.UnsubscribeLink}} to be hidden in case the "DoNotAddUnsubscribe" field is checked.

I found no reference to it in the docs perhaps I did not look in the right place? 




Viktor Letavin Dynamicweb Employee
Viktor Letavin

Hi Lara,

I've researched your problem, yes it seems like we have something working not the way it is expected, but you can workaround this by manualy placing the placeholder into emale page content and then check DoNotAddUnsubscribe field. We have handler that looks into the email content and if there are no unsubscribe placeholders, it will be added independant of DoNotAddUnsubscribe  flag. The bug will be created to fix this issue.

Best regards, Viktor.

Lara Arsénio

Hello Viktor.

I had tried that workaround you suggest, but cannot find a way to instance that field, as it is not available in the page TemplateTags, neither in documentation -

Can you point me an example on how to call the field "DoNotAddUnsubscribe",  perhaps a alternative method from the API?

Thanks in advance 

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Lara

The problem with "Unsubscribe" has now been fixed in Package "Dynamicweb.EmailMarketing" version 2.3.11

You are able to find this update in the backend Package update section.

Also the correction are part of hotfix 9.6.10 release 

You are able to find this build in the download section:

Please contact Dynamicweb Support if you need any additional help regarding this.

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt

Votes for this answer: 1
Lara Arsénio

Thank you Kristian, the fix worked as expected.

Best Regards!


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