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Change email address for the current order

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

How can a logged in user change the email address for the current order? When you're logged in, editing your details takes you to the customer center where you can change your account details, but not the details for the order. Steps:

1. Log in
2. Add something to the cart and check out
3.Your details are already filled in, the email address and other details are read-only
4. Click on Edit

Actual results

1. You're taken to the customer center
2. Editing the email address there makes the changes to the account and to the order

Expected results

1. I should be able to change the details for this order only.
2. Editing the email address changes the order but not my account.



Karsten Thuen Dynamicweb Employee
Karsten Thuen

Hi Imar

Good question. Unfortunately this is not part of our current setup. I may not understand you correctly, but to use a custom email address on a single order, I would think that you would use the alternate address settings? 

As far as I can see the behavior you are describing is not common. I took a look at bot Amazon and Zalando, shops that I often visit, and none of them had the oportunity to do this. 

If you have a specific need for this, maybe we can make a feature request for it?


Best regards
Karsten Thuen

Nicolai Pedersen

I think the needs related to addresses, taxes, discounts and customer information in the solutions they make in US requires a new and seperate cart page with templates and logic specifically made for that market. As discussed earlier.


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