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Caching of feeds in Rapido

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have a project where I see unusual delays in loading of the feeds for product lists. it might happen to other feeds as well, but this one seems to be noticeably slow.

I am talking about something like this:

The feed seems to load between 6 sec to 12 seconds. I am talking about anonymous users, no assortments but with variants.

I understand the caching of this feed for Authenticated users is not applicable because of the stock and/or pricing but for anonymous users, it should be possible to cache it somehow.

Is there a way I can accomplish this caching? or speed up the load time?

The webserver does not seem to be overloaded while doing these tests (CPU usage is between 5 and 25%), therefore I am not considering adding more resources. The webserver hosts both the IIS and the SQL server, which should also improve the connection to the database.

I have checked the indexes for defragmentation but I am out of ideas.

Does anybody have any suggestion?

Thank you,



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

You can look at it here:

You have a lot of variants - and eventhough you have not configured Rapido to show them, the feed loads all that variant data even though you do not need it.

So I would get rid of the variants in the feed template and also upgrade to latest 9.5 (or maybe 9.6) since that would get rid of the loop to EcomDetails.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you.
Apparently, the problem was generated, again, by Live integration code. There are 2 notifications that we had to disable: PageOnGlobalTagsObserver si PageOnLoadObserver

These notifications are running even for anonymous users, causing important delays.

After deactivating them, the load time (including variants) went down to 750 ms which I think it is acceptable considering the number of variants.

I am not sure I can get rid of the variants since the Product Detail page needs them for loading the Product detail variants list. Maybe I can make a separate one just for variants.

I am planning on upgrading to the latest 9.5 (we already have the dev site testing it) and later on to 9.6.

Thank you,


Nicolai Pedersen

I think you can get rid of variants in the list feed template - as the product detail template uses another feed.

BR Nicolai

Mikkel Ulstrup



The loop to EcomDetails seems to have been re-implemented in 9.6.. We get 39 SQL queries selecting from the table on a page with 7 products.

Any chance this was a mistake? or do we have to avoid this in some other way?


Kind regards

Mikkel Ulstrup


Nicolai Pedersen

This is a mistake... We are also working on a solution with issue today, so we will re-fix this again.

Sorry about the inconvenience

Mikkel Ulstrup

Thank you for the quick response! We are looking forward to it :)

- Mikkel

Andrew Rushworth

Hi All,

I'm also experiencing slow product feeds. I've stripped down the feed, excluding variants, etc - size is now 222k from 700k, but the feed still takes long to run 8-10s.

running version 9.5.13

Any ideas on how to improve this?



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