Hello. I needed to extend the brand colours collection, to set the background colour of multiple paragraph containers.
After setting all the necessary fields in Item Types, I got to extend the pallet and apply the colours. Everything worked well, the generated markup automatically included the classes relative to the new colours I added. But the background-colour for those classes would stay white in the frontend.
After some digging, I realized that DW is automatically creating the new variables and classes, in the variables_[i].auto.less files.
But the related mixins, that are required for the colors to work, are hardcoded in the template .less files
For each new color created in the backend, this change needs to be manually performed. Can this also be automatically written by the system in the generated less files, so it becomes trully configurable and automated?
.u-brand-color-six { .brand-color-mixin(@layout-brand-color-six); }
.image-filter--brand-color-six{ .image-filter--brand-color-six-mixin(); } .image-filter--brand-color-six-mixin() when not (@layout-brand-color-six = none) { background-color: fade(@layout-brand-color-six, 30%); }