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Forum » Templates » Handlebars js
Mikkel Hornbech Nielsen

Hey DW.

We are having some problems accessing values from the cart feed on a custom checkout page. We are using Rapido 2.0 and DW version 9.5.6.
We want to access values from the cart feed in a context where we currently are using C#.
We have tried just like the documentation explains to make a new placeholder for the cart content like this:
"<div id=”ProductContainer” class=”js-handlebars-root” data-template=”MyProduct” data-json-feed=”/Default.aspx?ID=52&feed=true” data-pre-render-template=”ProductPreRender” data-preloader=”overlay”>". Where we of course create a new script tag with the id matching the placeholder div like this "<script id="ProductContainer"></script>" and populate the script with variables from the feed like pr. instance "{{totalprice}}".

Is there something that i am missing to easily tap into these values from the feed file "cart.cshtml" in our checkout page/context?

Good day.

Kind regards.
Mikkel Hornbech Nielsen
Graduate Frontend Developer
No Zebra



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