Posted on 24/08/2018 09:37:42
Hi Espen
That is a good question - i've not seen that before. I've done some digging around, and can see that many other systems using Lucene encounters the same issue (Umbraco, Kentico, DNN etc.).
It seems to arise from lucenes .lock files that gets locked. Could happen if 2 threads are doing the same thing
- Are you using a setup with more than one instance?
- Ensure you run in 64 bit
- Can you check on the log files if the problem occurs same time as other things are happening - i.e. a build of the index?
- Do you have more than one index builds of the same index - so you have a failover while the other is being build?
Also, I think it can be solved by deleting the index folders from the file manager and rebuild.
Thanks for clarifying.
BR Nicolai