I'm creating a contactpage with departments and employees. Some of the employees belong to 2 or more departments, so I want to use global paragraphs for the employees.
The departments and employees are shown on a page using RenderItemList, but when trying to render all the employees for each department, the global paragaphs doesn't get rendered. I have a department (a page with ID = 34) with 3 employees. One of the employees is a global paragraph. When using this code, the global paragraph doesn't get rendered:
@RenderItemList(new {
ItemType = "Employee",
ListSourceType = "Page",
ListOrderBy = "Sort",
IncludeAllChildItems = "true",
IncludeParagraphItems = "true",
ListSourcePage = 34,
ItemFieldsList = "*",
ListTemplate = "itempublisher/list/contact.employeelist.cshtml",
ListPageSize = 1000
Is there anyway to get the global paragraphs rendered this way?