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Forum » PIM » PIM: Feature Request (JK): Product dependent features independent from product groups

PIM: Feature Request (JK): Product dependent features independent from product groups

Lars Bruun
Lars Bruun

On different types of products, i want to be able to define different sets of features to be diplayed on my products indepenedent of where  i use or work with that product.
I also want this to be independent of the product hierachy in wich i have organized my products in the PIM warehouse, thus I also experience Product Group field as a contraint in respect of giving my Product Managers the one hierachy that covers them all.

Following Example should be concidered:

I have a warehouse that contains Cars, bicycles, clothing and tents.
In order to maintain and use information on these different types of products, i have defined the full set of Customfields on the product and as such, if i look at cars i also see features that only are relevant for the other product types.

I therefore want to define a productype (Car, Bicycle, Tent etc) on the product it self. And on that product type i define which features to show / work with together with the features i select in general on my detail product display in the PIM.

This product Type should also be used in the eCommerce when selecting which product features to be displayed in the product detail view.




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