Until now our frontenders have utilized @Include quite a bit. However I would like for them to get the most out of intellisense, which isn't optimal with @include. And due the way @include works we have encountered some issues with razor/html context, as well as sharing variables/models in a meaningful way.
For that reason I was looking into the alternatives which would normally be used in razor templates. I have found 2 examples which doesn't seem to work out of the box in Dynamicweb razor.
1) Partial views. This seems to be the standard for larger sections of reusable code. However as far as I can tell @Html is not avaliable out of the box in a Dynamicweb razor template. Is this correct? And if yes will it become avaliable?
2) Helpers. This seems to be a good solution for smaller sections of reusable code. I have followed the method as presented here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-pages/overview/ui-layouts-and-themes/creating-and-using-a-helper-in-an-aspnet-web-pages-site as on a Dynamicweb website. However this does not appear to work on Dynamicweb, is this correct? And if yes will it become avaliable.