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Forum » Templates » Set template title/description in razor template

Set template title/description in razor template

Kim Pilgaard

When writing Dynamicweb templates using the html-template syntax it is possible to use the Title and Description (Layout.Title, Layout.Description) tags to modify the title/description shown in the dropdown when picking the template from the backend.

How do we modify these values using Razor syntax?


Thomas Schroll

Hi Kim


@Title("Your title")
@Description("Your description")

Regards Thomas


Kim Pilgaard

I investigated this further and discussed it with Dynamicweb support. And will share my findings here in case others are curious.

For pages I noticed that the following worked

@Title( "")

@Description( "" )

However the following did not work


Title( "" )

Description( "" )


This made me curious so I tried something which does not make sense from a razor point of view. The following works:


@Title( "" )

@Description( "" )


As far as I can tell the razor functions Title and Description doesn't do anything, there is likely a regex which scans for @Title and @Description. This is worth keeping in mind when creating your razor templates.

In my situation we where trying to set the title and description tag for paragraph templates, here no syntax allowed me to set the title. During my dicussion with Dynamicweb support they discovered a bug  23169 which caused the @Title tag from working in paragraph templates. This was fixed in version



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