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Dynamicweb.Content.Paragraph - Get itemlist

Dmitrij Jazel

Hi guys,

am a bit surprised, but it's a bit tricky.

What I have so far is a paragraph object:

var p_list= Dynamicweb.Content.Paragraph.GetParagraphsByPageID(123);
foreach(var p in p_list ){


    // add snipet here


What I needt to do:

I need to access the list of Items - that is a itemList property of this (p) pargraph.


I am able to access the "item type of my page" 

var p_item = Dynamicweb.Content.Items.ItemManager.Storage.GetByParagraphId("InfoBox", p.ID);

But that's all, I can't get into item values of it (one of it's properties is my ItemList that I am trying to access),  




Dmitrij Jazel

In other words, Imagine when you page a content placeholder on the page - that lists all paragraphs.

That is what my (foreach loop) does.

Than CMS grabs each paragraph (that in this case is "p").

And what I am trying to do - is simpy call something like List<item> myParagraphItemList = GetValue("Item.InfoBox") like I would do in Paragraph template of this paragraph.

And I want to read values out of the items that are saved inside that "infoBox" item field.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Dmitrij

When you have your p_item object, you can the values like this: p_item["SystemNameOfField"]

Dmitrij Jazel

hi Nicolai,

Thanks allot for the tip :)

Yes, ok, but what if I have an item property - that is called:


Systemname: "Subitems" of type: "Itemlist".

It contains a Itemlist that I must iterate throguh.


While I have p_item object - how do I iterate through items that are inside p_item["Subitems"]? :)



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Check the type of the property (typeof) - I guess that it is a Enumerable of sub item item entries


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