I need to write out customfield data into the header of my master template for use to facebook graph tags.
Facebook requires this to be in the header.
Is this possible?
I need to write out customfield data into the header of my master template for use to facebook graph tags.
Facebook requires this to be in the header.
Is this possible?
Yes, you can use a Snippet (http://templates.dynamicweb-cms.com/TemplateTags/Dynamicweb-template-tags/General-tags/Snippet.aspx) for this.
Add this to the head element in your master template
and put content into the snippet in your eCom template like this:
<!--@SnippetStart(OpenGraph)--> <meta property="og:title" content="<!--@Ecom:Product.Name-->"/> … <!--@SnippetStart(OpenGraph)-->
Best regards,
Perfekt. Var jo lige hvad jeg manglede!
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