Hello. Is any way to add own template for a specific form created by Forms module? I want to create a form for product in Ecom, where user will be can send question about a specific product (mail must be identified by product ID). I know that was posibility to assign template in DW7 version of Forms module, but now is missing.
I don't won't edit a default template for all forms (\Files\Templates\DataManagement\Forms\Form\Default.html). I want to add own field in template (or maybe is a another way to fill one of form field with product id, without changing a template?).
And the second question about template refreshing: not always when I modify some templates file I can see changes on frontend. A parse=true parameter don't working too. It isn't issue of modification a wrong file templates (one day modification work, and another no, for example: \Files\Templates\DataManagement\Forms\Form\Default.html).
Thank You for help, and sorry for my poor English:)