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Frontend edit NewsV2, richtext editor

Jacob Jensen


We have a customer who uses frontend edit on their intranet in version, I have successfully installed FCK editor on the textareas, and html tags etc are successfully added correct to the database without any escaping from DW engine.

The customer is now upgraded to version and after the upgrade our FCKeditor’s markup is escaped, so ex <p> is &gt;p&lt;


I have tried download a clean forms.html, without any richtext editor overriding the textareas. And tried to “hardcode” html tags in the textarea’s both htmlencoded, urlencoded. But DW keeps escaping the html tags.

I have compared the request’s with fiddler2, and they are completely equal.


Has there been any security update, so the frontend edit won’t accept html tags. Or does anyone have an idea on how I can get a Richtext editor to work ?

Best regards




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